The United States Department of Agriculture has stated that synergized pyrethrum "is probably the safest of all insecticides for use in food plants" and that "a pyrethrum formulation is approved for use around foodstuffs". Pyrethrin may be used with safety in food plants, homes and around animals where more hazardous materials cannot be used. It has a long history of satisfactory use around mammals and birds.
Prentox Fogging Insecticide PF is designed for use in a fogging or misting machine such as the B&G Ultralight Fogging Machine. Prentox Fogging Insecticide PF is perfect for fogging or space spraying of growing houses, food processing plants, bakeries, restaurants, etc. Fogging PF is a synergized Pyrethrum ready-to-use in equipment designed to deliver a true aerosol mist. Pyrethrins are natural insecticides found in daisy-like Chrysanthemum flowers grown and harvested in Kenya, Africa and Austrailia. Pyrethrins have a low order of toxicity to warm-blooded animals and can be used even in the home with extreme confidence. When pyrethrins are combined with a synergist like piperonyl butoxide, its "killing power" against insects increases dramatically. The United States Department of Agriculture has stated that synergized pyrethrum "is probably the safest of all insecticides for use in food plants" and that "a pyrethrum formulation is approved for use around foodstuffs". Pyrethrin may be used with safety in food plants, homes and around animals where more hazardous materials cannot be used. It has a long history of satisfactory use around mammals and birds. Pyrethrin and the synergists are biodegradable and rapidly disintegrate in sunlight and air, thus assuring you that there will be no excessive build-up of insecticides dispensed in the area being treated. Repellent Properties: Pyrethrin, usually considered only for its knock-down and kill effect, also possesses substantial inherent repellency of insects. Observations in food establishments demonstrate that flies are not immediately killed but are found more often on windowsills or near doorways, bearing out the observation that pyrethrins are effective repellents, kill slowly due to the low dosage applied and drive the fly to seek the outdoors before dying.
Prentox Fogging Insecticide PF Features:
* Kills slowly due to low dosage
* Repells most insects
* Safe for use in food plants
* Satisfactory usage around mammals and birds
* Pyrethrin and the synergists are biodegradable
* Rapidly disintegrate in sunlight and air
Prentox Fogging Insecticide PF Uses:
* Use in a fogging machine
* Use in a misting machine
* Perfect in growing houses, food processing plants, bakeries, restaurants, etc.
* Food processing establishments
* On animals to protect beef and dairy cattle and horses
* In mushroom production and processing to control mushroom flies or fungus gnats in growing houses
Prentox Fogging Insecticide PF Target Pest:
Mushroom flies or fungus gnats, exposed stages of fruit flies, mosquitoes, small flying moths, gnats,wasps , hornets, cheese skipper, stored pests (granary weevils, rice weevils, confused flour beetles, spider beetles, drugstore beetles, angoumois grain moths, mediterranean flour moths, Indian meal moths, tobacco moths, meal worms, and grain mites), silverfish, crickets, roaches, spiders, scorpions, clover mites, cheese mites, earwigs, and ants.
Prentox Fogging Insecticide PF USDA Approved
Prentox Fogging Insecticide PF Ingredients:
Pyrethrins....................................... .5%